Search Companies Responsible for TOP MarketCap in Any Particular Industry.
Only 20% Companies are responsible for 80% Market Cap and Remaining 80% companies Gives Just 20% market cap.
Only 20% Companies are responsible for 80% Sales and Remaining 80% Companies Gives Just 20% Sales.
Hence if we get top 20% companies of any particular Industry we get 80% market Cap/Sales of Industry.
Have Focused Approach.
Formula to Search Market Cap automatically is:
Here βB3β is the Row column where You have written Company name.
Automatically All Companies Market cap will come.
Formula to Search Marketcap from BseIndia is: =GoogleFinance("BOM:"&Code,"Marketcap")
Just See which Companies are responsible for 80% Market Cap
In General Case You will see 80% Marketcap would be from 20% Companies