Cigarettes, Tobacco Products:
Rs 11.79 lakh cr Indian tobacco sector employs 4.5 cr people. The majority of the business is from unorganized companies in this sector. India is the 2nd Largest Tobacco Grower, but the 4th Largest Illegal Cigarette Market According to Euromonitor due to high Tax rates acceleration every year. DutyPaid Cigarette accounts for only 10%. Major listed companies from this sector are ITC, VST Ind & Godfrey where major 80% MCap, Sales & Profits share is with ITC.
DashBoard of This Industry:
Long Term Growth: 5% CAGR. (Average Growth)
CurrentYear Growth: -10% The majority of them are Debt-free companies with high Margins & good Consistency.
Q1 is affected by Lockdown.