Health first - that is the underlying message that the COVID-19 pandemic has reasserted. The pandemic is a health as well as an economic crisis and hence the role of the pharmaceutical industry has become very critical. The pandemic has shaken the global economy, but has given the world an opportunity to correct decades of underinvestment in healthcare.
One of the largest Industries with around 10Lakh Cr Marketcap, 3 Lakh Cr Sales & 30000 Cr Profits. Around 150 Listed Companies yet More than 50% of Profits comes from Focused TOP 5 while 3 are already in Nifty-50 and Divis have just entered NIfty-50 as expected.
The US is the world's largest market followed by Japan & China. Pfizer is the world's largest Pharma company & is 172 years old with 70,000 Cr profits.
Companies have given 20% CAGR return since the last 2 Decades & many are with debt-free Status. Since the past 5 years pharma has been muted, again we have had good growth since last year. Cy Year pharma growth was seen by 6% showing good growth again. Can Have 1 company from Pharma in our portfolio.
Some of the Largest companies results are still pending like SunPharma, Divis, CailaHC etc.
DashBoard Of Pharma:
Since 2015 we saw pharma in the challenging mode but MNC were doing good even during this challenging phase. Nifty gave 9% CAGR since 2015 v/s Pharma 0% as it is 14000 today and even during 2015 it was 14000. Post 2018 we again saw good growth and hence we may see pharma giving the breakout after long 6 years of consolidation. Again the majority of the companies are towards lifetime high revenue which has attracted lifetime profits & hence we were supposed to have a lifetime high price.
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