The fastest-growing industry not only in India but Worldwide. Top Most of the world comes from this Industry which has just emerged 2-3 decades back. Today they are in top Sales, Profit Making, employees as well as MarketCap. Average Companies were founded around 1999 with average Sales of around 10 Lakh Cr (100% More than India’s largest), an Average MarketCap of 40 Lakh Cr (Equal To Nifty-50) & employing around the average of 2 Lakh employees each. TOP 50% of companies are from the US while 15% are from China. All other Countries like India, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, the UK, SK combined give 30% of companies. From India, We have Flipkart at the world's 30th Rank in sales. India Having 2nd Largest Internet User Base only after China still Lacks E-Commerce users with just 10cr Users, yes they are increasing by 70Lakh new Users/Year. India which will be the largest Internet User country by 2025 is growing by 30% CAGR in E-commerce. We will see several companies from this segment growing from small to Big.
The dashboard of Industry: