Telecom Services:
India is currently the 2nd largest telecommunication market and has the 3rd highest number of internet users in the world. India’s telephone subscriber base expanded at a CAGR of 19.16 percent, reaching 119 CR during FY07–21.
Tele-density in India, increased from 17.9 in FY07 to 88% currently. Today in India there are 119 Cr Telephone Subscriber. Broadband Subscribers are 77 Cr. Top Tele Density in Delhi while Lowest in Bihar. Major Market in India for the wireless subscribers is Jio with 36.64% share & Bharti 29.6%. 66% Market share is with TOP-2.
Net addition of subscribers seen during April & May was around 83 Lakh in Jio and (-41 Lakh) in Bharti. Broadband market lion market share is with Jio with about 56% share and Bharti 24.7%. Top 2 have 80% share.
During the last several years, high competition led this industry to run with lesser margin and high debt. We have not seen growth in this industry during the last decade. Post-COVID, this Industry is in high demand and ARPU is increased 1st time after a long time. Uptick for the Whole Industry is Seen and this could be the sector to focus as the demanding sector after a long time. The best in this industry for investment is Jio, which is not listed separately while 2nd Best is Bharti all other companies should be avoided for Investment.
Full Report can be seen from Here: