A company with very good growth history, Debt free combined with a high return on Equity spot the multi-bagger. Many of you are holding this stock since 1800 and even when pharma was falling Abbott has performed well. The MNC company that is able to grow sales from 300 cr to 4300 cr while profits from 50 cr to 700 cr during the last 2 decades. Growth of 10X gave Investment of 1 Lakh done 2 decades back today’s valuation to 50 Lakh along with 5x investment refunded in dividends as they distribute around 80% profits in dividends. Not only Abbot but the majority of the MNC distribute high dividends. Current Year results show a revenue growth of 5% and Net profit growth of 17% which shows continuity of good growth but is little less then what was expected. Still, Abbott can be bought during any fall near 13000 (Upgraded from 12000) and can hold it for the wealth creation. 2 Year target could be 21547. 75% holding with Promoters.