Which is The Largest retailer & Digital Player with market cap, Sales & Profits of 13 Lakh Cr, 6.5 Lakh Cr and 40k Cr Respectively while
TCS Largest IT Consulting Firm with market cap, Sales & Profits of 11 Lakh Cr, 1.6 Lakh Cr and 33k Cr Respectively while
HDFC Bank Largest Private Bank with market cap, Sales & Profits of 8 Lakh Cr, 1.5 Lakh Cr and 27k Cr Respectively.
It Is Expected that all these Companies would be Crossing Profits of 1 Lakh Cr during 2025-30. It will help India see Its TOP Companies crossing the Milestone of 20 Lakh Cr Market cap during the same period. Can Invest around 5% in all of these 3 Companies for the long term Wealth.
Reliance Ind: DataStudy:
TCS DataStudy:
Hdfcbank DataStudy: